Intelligent Creation Science Debate
Proponents of evolution outnumber creationists and or Intelligent Design (ID) professors, by a huge margin. The result is that ID teachers are often relegated to the fringes of academia or laughed out of the academic debate altogether. But what happens when you have highly qualified professors who hold to the theory of ID? The debate and plot thickens. Interestingly, the most successful battle against evolution is not being won in the United States, but in Muslim Turkey.
Christians have, for all intents and purposes, retreated from the academic arena in most secular environments. They have often been forced to cluster in private and religious schools thus negating their credentials in the "real world" of academics. But lately more Christians have earned degrees and positions in secular universities and are slowly making their mark. They are debating secularists using the tools of the secularist own making, and winning, or at least creating healthy debate, in many areas of science.
The realm of the secularist is not a pleasant battle ground. By simply caricaturizing and holding in derison folks who have a different take on the arguments of science, many qualifed minds are finding the battle too hard and dangerous to fight. I'll be the first to admit that winning the battle of creation vs. evolution probably will not result in many conversions to Christ, but if we can prove to be able to hold our own in the arena of debate, respect will be earned by those Christians who join the fray.
The one thing to remember; rationalism can only take you from the area of unbelief to the zone of potential belief. Ultimately the decision to believe in God must be one of faith. But a reasonable faith is not out of the question.
Christians have, for all intents and purposes, retreated from the academic arena in most secular environments. They have often been forced to cluster in private and religious schools thus negating their credentials in the "real world" of academics. But lately more Christians have earned degrees and positions in secular universities and are slowly making their mark. They are debating secularists using the tools of the secularist own making, and winning, or at least creating healthy debate, in many areas of science.
The realm of the secularist is not a pleasant battle ground. By simply caricaturizing and holding in derison folks who have a different take on the arguments of science, many qualifed minds are finding the battle too hard and dangerous to fight. I'll be the first to admit that winning the battle of creation vs. evolution probably will not result in many conversions to Christ, but if we can prove to be able to hold our own in the arena of debate, respect will be earned by those Christians who join the fray.
The one thing to remember; rationalism can only take you from the area of unbelief to the zone of potential belief. Ultimately the decision to believe in God must be one of faith. But a reasonable faith is not out of the question.
Debate over God's truths is good only if it is a means to an end. Even if we are able to hold our own in the arena of debate, without the power of God and a mandate from God, there's no lasting fruit. The outcome is a shallow, short lived, "put one up on the board for Christianity". There is no debate over the things of God. We should always focus on speaking the truth of creation and Christ in faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith expressing itself through love far out weighs faith expressing itself through intellect.
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
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