Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another Good Reason to Take Your Kids to Church

I have talked with a number of people over the years who don't take their children to church. One of the main reasons given is that they don't want their children to have religion thrust upon them. They believe their children should make up their own minds when they are old enough to do so.

This study shows that taking your children to church has great advantages. It shows what many of think is obvious and a no-brainer. Sharing faith with your children is good for them. It makes better human beings out of them. Actually, not taking them to church is ineffective parenting. For morals and ethics reasons alone, it makes sense to take your children to church.

While some may argue that ethics and morals can be taught at home apart from the church, there is no denying that a community of believers who share the same faith has a great influence in confirming those morals.

Did you grow up going to church? What influence did it have on you? Can you think of a better way to teach children spirituality, morals and ethics outside of a religious community?

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  • Having worked with young children my entire career, I found that children's spirituality was very much a two way street. I learned at least as much from them as they did from me!

    By Blogger Paul, at 3:39 PM  

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