Wednesday, June 27, 2007

House For Sale

Blogging has been light the past couple of weeks as I have taken all available time to prepare our home for sale. It's amazing how many little things you let slide and learn to live with, but have to repair in order to sell your home. Most of these things really don't need attention, but you convince yourself that others would notice if they weren't done. Take one example:

We have two maturing trees on the parkway in front of our house. They have been growing aggressively over the past few years and would be the envy of many homeowners for the shade they provide as well as the natural beauty. But they obscure the view of our home. In order for a potential buyer to get enticed by "curb appeal" I had to spend the better part of a 90 degree day trimming back and cutting limbs. The next owner will probably allow the tree to grow uninterrupted for another 5-10 years.

Here's another example. We painted our bedroom a rich color to reflect our tastes. Upon making the decision to move, we had to repaint it a boring, neutral color because a potential client might make his/her decision based on a paint job they didn't like. Ironically, the new owner will probably paint the boring color within a few weeks or months to suit their tastes. I would have preferred if the new owners just told me what color they wanted and I would have saved them the trouble of having to paint after they move.

We are now officially on the market. All indications point to a slow market. We need to sell our home relatively quickly. We did our part of prepping the home, now it is totally out of our hands. We'll trust the Lord to prepare the new owner for us.

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