Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Being a Christian is Easy . . .

. . . but so many people make it difficult. It begins with a decision to accept the grace of God by faith. You confess and repent of your sins, believe that Jesus' sacrifice was enough to pay the price for your sins, and commit to living your life for the glory of God as the Spirit of God enables you.

Too many Christians make a project out of it. They don't read the scriptures, they don't pray, they rarely attend church and they don't look for opportunities to share their faith. After their confession of faith, they go on living their lives the way they were prior to their confession and then wonder why they are unhappy and living on all levels of defeat.

Becoming a Christian results from making a decision. Being a Christian is all about continuing to make decisions one at a time. The Bible says don't get drunk, so you make a decision not to. It tells you to love one another, so you look for opportunities to show your love. You simply make decisions to do what the Bible tells you to do.

Often I am asked to enter into a counseling relationship. I usually reply, "What is troubling you?" When I am told the problem, I then ask a second question. "What does the Bible say about that?" If the person knows, then I just encourage them to do what the Bible says. If they don't know, I will meet with them, walk them through what the Bible says, and then ask them to do it. It's really that easy. Say yes to God and no to sin.

I know there are many out there who think that the only way you can overcome your problems is to talk to an expert. But at $100 dollars for a 50 minute session, most of can't afford to get over our problems at that price. We often get discouraged and believe that our situation is hopeless. But that just isn't true.

Let me encourage you to follow my simple instruction. 1. Define your problem. 2. Find out what the Bible says about it. 3. Do it. I will give you a guarantee that most of your life's situations will improve by following that simple formula.


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