Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fear Replaces Sex!

The tool most often used by Madison Avenue advertisers has shifted from sex to fear, so says this columnist. Here is an excerpt:

Advertisers are smart. They do this because they know that Americans are really afraid more than anything else of not being attractive, accepted or loved. We are afraid of ourselves, of being alone, of stillness, of our own mortality. We are a nation of addicts (food, work, image, drugs, drink, sugar) and culturally we love to believe in miracle cures. We don't feel good about ourselves, we take a pill and voila! We are new creatures - vibrant, trim, clear-skinned. We don't have friends coming to our house, so we buy a new couch or a new plasma TV and we imagine the house is suddenly filled with loving neighbors toasting Amaretto to our continued success. We believe in Gadget Gods. Gadgets bring love, long life, good health, new friends, better jobs, clean lungs, big muscles and long-lasting on-demand erections. And don't forget: The newest gadget cures best. So hurry! If you don't act now, there might not be any left!

Whatever happened to Roosevelt's claim that "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." Are we to substitute faith with fear in our decision making. Apparently, many Americans are buying into this fear mentality. Parents are now buying pre-teens cellphones "in case of an emergency." I'm still trying to figure out what kind of an emergency a preteen would have that would require him/her needing a cellphone. Especially when every teenager and adult around already has one!

We don't have enough insurance for our health, life, cars, and homes. Call the agent! You need more. After all a flood can wipe away all your belongings. Never mind that you live in the Arizona desert. Wire up your house and car while you're at it, even though the studies show, that in most places in America, you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than to have your house broken into or your car stolen.

Why do you think Americans buy (pardon the pun) into this fear tactic?


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