Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Men's Ministry Pendulum

Why don't most men go to church? Of those that do, why is there so little involvement? One preacher recently got in trouble by suggesting that the church is too "chickified." In other words, ministry isn't geared to manliness. Writers like John Eldredge want to address men in all their rawness. So does this ministry.

Is this just another movement that will crest and disappear? Is this just another gimmick or fad to try to get men into church? Or is this true discipleship? Personally the thing that scares me about any movement is the choosing of a few choice scripture verses to give it credibility. I believe that is what is at the root of fads that come and go. After awhile participants get the feeling that there has to be more to this than just what we happen to be doing at the moment.

A true man has strength balanced with self-control. It is not just about flexing your muscles because you have them, but because there is a genuine reason to do so. It is not about venting anger, but being righteously indignant about the things God cares about.

I fear that some of these new attempts to attract men cater to their basest and lowest denominator. Men need to aspire to greatness, to believe that their contributions in this life are lasting. To provide and protect, not by fighting every battle that comes their way, but by carefully choosing the ones that matter.

God is not going to accomplish his purposes with brute force, but with the discipline that comes from exercising prudent judgment. A locomotive has a lot of strength, but it is only good if it stays on the track.


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