Monday, November 06, 2006

Another Evangelical Leader Bites the Dust

By now most people have heard of the scandal surrounding Rev. Ted Haggard, pastor of New Life Chuch in Colorado Springs and President of the National Association of Evangelicals. He has since resigned one post (NAE) and been put on administration leave at the church. He is being accused by a male prostitute of purchasing methamphetamines and engaging in gay sex over a period of three years. You can read the details from the newspaper story. Let's address the various scenarios in the Haggard case as they may unfold.

Let's assume he is guilty of purchasing methamphetamines. It is illegal, and upon investigation and confirmation, he should be charged, tried and justice should be meted out. But within the church, let's also deal with the commonality of human weakness with a measure of grace. An individual leading an organization like a 14,000 member church while being the head of an evangelical organization that represents about 45,000 churches and up to 30 million adherents leads a life with a torrid schedule of appearances, travel and other responsibilities. Under that kind of stress I can easily see him looking for an edge that will give him an extra hour a day or extra energy to fulfill all his obligations. Many in his position choose legal drugs like tons of coffee or over the counter drugs like NoDoz. It doesn't make it right, but it it wouldn't make it uncommon for human weakness to compromise convictions and falsely justify its efficacy. He would be guilty as charged, but grace is offered if he does not have a history of this kind of offense and remorse and repentance are evident. The price that will be paid in public himiliation, loss of credibility, and probably loss of livelihood is ample punishment.

Let's assume he is guilty of having a homosexual relationship. His hypocrisy would make him a pariah on both sides of the issue. Living under that kind of sentence is more than enough punishment in my estimation.

Now let's assume he is innocent of the homosexual charges brought against him. Many of his accusers would have to eat crow judging by the outcry in the media and on internet blogs. In time the truth will rise to the surface. Until then, there has already been some admission of guilt and the consequences are already being felt.

I'll wait until the story plays itself out. I'm hoping he is innocent for the sake of his wife, children and church. If he is indeed guilty, I wouldn't give his problems to a monkey on a rock. His life has been forever changed.


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