Thursday, December 07, 2006

What Constitutes a Healthy Church?

Church experts pretty much agree that there are five components to a healthy church. While a lot of emphasis has been put on church growth, more church leaders are starting to learn that a healthy church is the desired goal in ministry. A healthy church will grow, but a growing church may not be healthy. What are the components of a healthy church?

A healthy church will have a heart for worship. People must desire to enter into the intimate presence of God. They enjoy good music, drama, sermons, liturgy and art that stimulate desire for God’s closeness.

A healthy church will have a heart for the lost. Reaching out to those who are living in darkness is a passion for a healthy church. Partnering with missionaries to reach unreached peoples is a priority. Looking for opportunities to witness to a neighbor, a co-worker or a family member is a daily endeavor. Healthy churches love sinners.

A healthy church will have a heart of prayer. Personal intercession on behalf of fellow members, friends and family is a daily exercise. Corporate prayer is joined in to experience the power of “where two or more agree, it shall be given to them.” Healthy churches are praying churches.

A healthy church is committed to fellowship. Small groups to live out faith together are a hallmark of healthy churches. A group so intensely intimate that you can count on, through joy and sorrow is a wonderful commodity. Laughing, crying, ministering to one another’s needs is resource that man lack but all desire.

A healthy church is driven by the Word of God. Scripture defines what they believe, what they do and why they do it. It seeks direction from the Bible through precept and principle. It relies on the Holy Spirit to illuminate those words and bring fresh understanding to their hearts.

A healthy church attracts people. An unhealthy church repels seekers.


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