Saturday, March 31, 2007

Time for Transition

"I believe it is time for a transition." That's what I informed our Elders at the March Board meeting.

Pastoral transition can be a bit scary for the church, but also for the pastor. The unknown future seems to loom before us with its unpredictability, but also its promise. It's going to take a lot of prayer to insure that the "peace which transcends all understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ."

Decisions of this nature are very complicated. We don't like complications, so we edit the story to make it fit our comfort zones. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say, that this has been a heart-wrenching call. We have established some quality relationships that we don't want to leave. There is much work that still has to be done. There never seems to be an appropriate time to make this type of decision. We walk by faith, and not by sight.

In the next few months our Elders will earnestly begin the search for a successor to lead our church. Their task is a difficult one. Encourage them, pray for them and support them. We will stay long enough to provide stability in the pulpit, counseling, and pastoral care. At an appropriate time in the transition, We will be released to pursue the next phase of God's call on our lives.

There will be more to say in the future. Please feel free to call us aside and talk to us. We do not want this to be an awkward time for you or us. It is our conviction that this process is an important part of pastoral ministry that is often vacated and left undone in typical churches and transitions. The results of abrupt change can be disastrous. An orderly, spirit-led transition will be a testimony of our maturity and character. Let's commit ourselves to doing it the right way which is the best way.

There will be tears of joy and sorrow. But in the meantime, let's take hold of the plow and continue the sowing and reaping uninterrupted. The future of our church is so absolutely bright. I would love to be around to experience it, but I guess I'll have to enjoy your successes and victories from the sidelines.

I look forward to serving you during this time.
