Monday, October 23, 2006

Changing the World, One Person at a Time

Most of us look at the problems of the world and just throw our hands up in despair. Not this guy. He decided that he could do something to impact people's lives in an extraordinary way. Who would have thought that loaning money to very poor people could prove to be so life-changing? This story serves as a reminder that we have to be creative about helping the poor and not just assume that a government or Christian charitable handout is the only way.

I would encourage you to do a little research on microloans and invest a few dollars to help someone escape poverty. One of our missionaries in Cambodia is doing just that. For a relatively small investment he helps a villager purchase a sewing machine to start a business. The results have been astonishing. In a short time these families are not only supporting themselves, but often putting other villagers to work as well.

If you are interested in helping a Cambodian family get jump started, just let us know and we can help direct some of your blessing to others . "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."


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