Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today is "VOTE" day

Chuck Colson weighs in on the duty of Chrisitians to be involved in politics especially through voting.

Pundits are claiming that there will be a seismic political shift today. Republicans have enjoyed leadership power at the legislative and executive branches of our government. They are poised to probably lose the majority in the House and possibly the Senate as well. That scares some people and makes others jubilant.

For the most part, the majority of conservatives and evangelicals have favored the Republican party because they ran on a platform that seemed to mirror many of the values held by them. There has been a lot of dissatisfaction with the way they have handled their positions particularly in the area of immigration, the war in Iraq, and fiscal policy. As a result, many conservatives have intimated that they will sit this one out.

I'm with Colson on this one. Passivity is not an option. Politics is sometimes having to vote for the lesser of two bad choices. Any way you look at it, you should go to the your polling station and vote your conscience for the candidates that most closely represents your interests on your key issues, be they Democrat, Republican or some other party.

I'll be going to lunch in about an hour. Part of that hour will be spent prayerfully poring over the ballot for our local candidates and issues. I hope you'll do the same sometime today.


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