Funny Things that Happen in Church Services
I've put in about 30 years of ministry time. Some strange and funny things have happened along the way. This site records some of the funny things that have happened in full-gospel, pentecostal churches. Here is a sample:
Has anything funny happened in a church service you attended? Let us know so we can laugh together.
- "We were having an awesome move of the Holy Ghost one evening; everyone was dancing and shouting and worshiping the Lord in the fullness of the spirit. It was great! They had one of those metal heater radiators on the side of the church, you know the ones like they used to have in the old school houses. Well, anyway, as pastor's wife began to dance, we heard her shout, or so we thought, twice with much 'fervor!' Which really excited several of the other ladies over by her. She then fell to the ground and began to roll around. We were thinking, 'She's a holy roller!' but later we found out she had stubbed her toes, not once but twice on that heater and was rolling around on the ground in pain! It was quite a treat for those who knew what happened. Even to this day, every once in a while, someone brings it up, and she kind of snickers."
J.S., Oklahoma
- "The Lord is nigh thee (back then we prophesied in the King James English). He is coming to bring judgment in all the earth. My people are to humble themselves before me, pray and wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost. If you are not faithful to me, I will withdraw my presence and write Michelob over the door."
Has anything funny happened in a church service you attended? Let us know so we can laugh together.
Picture this...
It was sometime in the early 80's. Christian Hills was hosting some kind of youth rally. My brother was in the youth group during this time. To give you some background, basketball was my brother's whole life back then. He woke up, ate, and slept basketball. Well, anyways, the youth rally was finally coming to an end. The speaker gave a wonderful message, the kids were moved in their hearts, and now it was time to pray. As the speaker prayed, heads were bowed, eyes were closed, and my brother was sleeping in the pew. It was just about time for an altar call when during this serious, somber moment, Danny out of nowhere jumps out of seat, puts up a 3 point jump shot, and sits back down. It was awesome!
(By the way, he claims that in his dream he did make the basket.)
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM
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