Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Faith and Football

It's football season. My Chicago Bears are stinking up the joint so I'll have to focus on something else besides the game.

Christian athletes have always intrigued me. How do you justify being involved in violent sports with being a follower of Christ? I guess it all has to do with the attitude you have while you play. Is it your intention to ground and pound your opponent to submission? Or are you more interested in following the rules of the sport, competing fairly all the while maintaining your joy in the Lord and testimony.

The Detroit Lions have Jon Kitna, a professing, devout Christian at quarterback. This fascinating piece is done by ESPN the Magazine, a decidedly secular sports magazine. It is a fair piece and doesn't pull any punches about Kitna's testimony on and off the field.

Many of us have children who look at sports figures as models. It is imperative that those athletes who claim Christ as Savior be excellent witnesses with such a public podium. When they exemplify a consistent vibrant walk with Christ, they will be noticed by the secular and the religious.

Have you been influenced by a Christian athlete's testimony or lack of it? What lessons have you learned as a result of this influence?

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