Saturday, June 07, 2008

On Being a Good Church Member Part 8: Finding Your Place of Ministry; Final Installment

Churches are as complicated as they are simple. They are simple in that they all have been given the same charge; to love God and love people. By loving God they fulfill the first of the 10 commandments given by God. By loving people they fulfill the second part of the Great Commandment given by Jesus. It's as simple as that.

Churches are complicated in that they are comprised of people who come from all walks of life. They represent the full spectrum of economics, politics, education, race, age, size and shape. People are complicated and they bring their complicated personalities into the church. And yet God calls us to live in unity in this complicated environment.

Each person has skills, gifts and talents. Skills can be learned. Talents can be developed. Gifts are God-given. All can be submitted to God to create an environment where God's personality and presence can be modeled for the benefit of those who already have a relationship with God and those who don't already have a relationship but need to see that it is possible.

A detailed listing of some of the gifts God has given to people can be found in Romans 12, First Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. Everyone has a gift. No one is exempt. Discovering your gift is exhilarating and liberating. There are surveys one can take to determine where their skills, talents and gifts may lie. Once discovered they can be developed and ultimately deployed. It is not an option to use your gifts, it is a joyous duty that brings great personal contentment and blessing to others.

We are admonished in Scripture that we can make great use of our gifts and still miss out on an important component of being the people of God. It takes more to be a good church of people than just doing the right things and doing them well. Being a good church member means that we are called to emulate Jesus not only in his works, but in his person. It includes walking in the Spirit and expressing attitudes as well as actions that are consistent with who God is.

As the people of God find their place to use their gifts, talents and skills and do it with the faith, hope and joy of the Lord, synergy takes place. The gifts, talents and skills become expression of faith, love and joy in and of themselves, resulting in building faith, love and joy in others.

The greatest gift one can give and be to their church is to walk consistently with God. While it may not be possible to walk in perfection with God, it is possible to walk with Him in a manner that reflects and confirms His reality. Scoffers will enter the church and see a valid witness to God's reality. Defenses will fall and unbelievers will be drawn to him. Believers themselves will grow in faith as they see God revealing himself in others. It's a win-win proposition.


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