Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Anatomy of Sexual Immorality

In the wake of the Ted Haggard scandal, I feel compelled to write a few things about why and how sexual immorality happens.

First of all, let me make it perfectly clear, there is no plausible excuse for committing sexual immorality. There are those who would posit that some of the reasons why this happens are as follows:
  • It is a biological drive. Men's testosterone levels push a man to sexual conquest and the drive is so strong it has to be addressed.
  • It is imbred in their genetic structure. Men were created with the urge to propagate the race and inherently feel an urge and need to impregnate as many woman as possible. Monogamy is not in their genes.
  • Women contribute to this irresistable urge by dressing provocatively and enticing men. Sociological mores must be relaxed to allow this natural expression of sexuality.
  • Morality has been redefined by a prudish culture and should once again be redefined because the rise in incidences of sexual expression outside of the context of marriage is proof that this institution needs to be redefined.
Each of these reasons could result in a blog post, but I will cut to the chase.

I have always contended that the issue here is integrity. Too much emphasis is put on the externals rather than the internal. History is replete with men and women who gave themselves to ascetic lifestyles, avoiding temptation, or any appearance of impropriety, only to retire to the loneliness of their quarters and fight the battle of the heart. It is there where the battle is won or lost.

Guarding the heart is more than just avoiding tempting situations. If a man has integrity, it doesn’t matter what his wife looks like because he made vows. To paraphrase the words of Bill Cosby, “after age 60 we all look like melted candles.” What does a man without integrity do when his wife becomes ill and can’t “perform? Or if his health fails and his looks deteriorate, does it make him less a man?

Accountability without integrity is hypocrisy. A man can lie through his teeth to his accountability group, the media, and yes even his wife if he is lacking in integrity. Haggard is guilty of not guarding his heart, a charge that can be brought against many of us. It wasn't a biological predetermination. It wasn't that his wife was unattractive. It wasn't that his freedom of sexual expression was repressed by a prudish culture. It was a failure to cultivate a healthy integrity that would drive him to be a man of his word regardless of the circumstance or temptation.

The only difference between Haggard and the rest of us is that many of us have yet to get caught. Fortunately nothing is hidden from God. He has full access to the heart. Sexual immorality, as well as the pursuit of any sinful lifestyle is a result of the attitude of the heart. Above all else, guard your heart.


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