Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What the #$%@*& is Going On!

Is the above caption offensive to you? Even though actual words weren't used? I guess we don't have enough swearing in the home, on television, during traffic jams and golf games. Now it seems that we are being given permission to swear at work.

I don't think it's my imagination, but language in the public square has gotten more guttural. It is not unusual to hear children cussing in front of adults, and even their parents. What used to be reserved for the locker room has now become mainstream.

With a language as rich as English, I find swearing to be a lazy man's shortcut to expressing himself. I have long admired the British legislators who are able to cut down their opponent in Parliament without using a single off color word. Now that is verbal craftsmanship!

I have heard of tests being done where people carried around tape recorders for a full day. These people were amazed and some actually ashamed to find out just how much swearing they do. It has become so normal, that many don't even realize they are engaging in it.

Jesus reminds us that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." He also said, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." There must be an abundance of really bad stuff in a lot of hearts.

How about it? Would you be willing to carry a tape recorder in your pocket for a full day to find out whether you have a problem with coarse language?

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  • In addition to traditional swear words, I'd like to see us stop using "stupid" "hate" and the like.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • Its interesting to see that the article attempts to place some moral contraint on the use of swearing in the workplace. "Its probably not in a companies best interest to swear at a customer". Well, how are they going to refrain the employee from swearing at a customer? That would take a conscience effort to refrain and it has been my experience that people who swear lack that very level of judgement or discipline. The real question should be where did all these people come from who make up these studies and those who would publish such nonsense as news?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 PM  

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