Friday, November 16, 2007

None of Us is Average

No one wants to be average. Average is not only boring, but weird. As an example, read this exerpt from TIME magazine:

" . . .finding the Average American is a challenge, since means and medians and majorities can hide as much as they reveal: pity the statistician whose job it is to flatten us into a trend. The average household has 2.6 members, but most families prefer their children whole. On average we are 36.6 years old, but in reality we are newborn and toddling, aged and wise. We exercise close to the recommended 20 minutes a day—but that's because 17% of us exercise for well over an hour, while the rest of us scarcely stir at all. The vast majority of Americans believe in God, and more than 90% own a Bible, but only half can name a single Gospel, and 10% think Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. So what's the average state of our eternal souls?"

To read more click here. Now, how does that set with you? Where do you fit?



  • If they taught real history in the schools instead of the politically corrected version then kids would be eager to learn. The real story about Joan of Arc is so remarkable that kids would love to learn about her life. Send the one's that think she was married to Noah to
    Joan of Arc - to learn the truth about Joan of Arc.

    By Blogger em2histbuff33, at 11:29 PM  

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