Saturday, August 09, 2008

Something to Think About

I came across this quote by A.W. Tozer and it contrasts so much with the average perspective of today's Christians that I thought I had to post it here on my blog.

There seems to be a lack of awareness of just how far apart the creation is from the Creator. The concept of and effects of sin are downplayed in our culture to the extent that sin is no longer considered to be an important reason for why so much is wrong with the world.

Few people will listen to a sober, grave voice calling us to recognize the gulf that exists between us and God. It doesn't change the fact that this message needs to be heard whether we choose to listen to it or not. I was stopped dead in my tracks as I pensively considers what this pastor had to say and how relevant it is for today. Following is the quote.

"The average person in the world today, without faith and without God and without hope, is engaged in a desperate personal search throughout his lifetime. He does not really know where he has been. He does not really know what he is doing here and now. He does not know where he is going.

The sad commentary is that he is doing it all on borrowed time and borrowed money and borrowed strength–and he already knows that in the end he will surely die! It boils down to the bewildered confession of many that “we have lost God somewhere along the way.”…

Man, made more like God than any other creature, has become less like God than any other creature. Created to reflect the glory of God, he has retreated sullenly into his cave–reflecting only his own sinfulness.

Certainly it is a tragedy above all tragedies in this world that man, made with a soul to worship and praise and sing to God’s glory, now sulks silently in his cave. Love has gone from his heart. Light has gone from his mind. Having lost God, he blindly stumbles on through this dark world to find only a grave at the end."

A W Tozer, Whatever Happened to Worship?, 65-66.


  • And we just keep finding wonderful new ways to occupy and distract us while in our 'caves' to prevent us from reflecting on our true need...

    By Blogger Pastor Shannon, at 11:14 AM  

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