Monday, January 15, 2007

Minute Meditation: The Third Lens of Scripture

“While it is fashionable in our times to analyze world events merely by looking through the lenses of politics and economics, it is also a serious mistake, for it prevents one from being able to see in three dimensions. To truly understand the significance of global events and trends, one must analyze them through a third lens as well: the lens of Scripture. Only then can the full picture become clearer.” (Joel Rosenberg, Epicenter, Tyndale House Publishers, 2006)

“ . . . men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do- . . .” 1 Chron 12:32 (NIV)

One of our previous presidential candidates was told by his advisors to keep the message focused on the economy. His “it’s the economy, stupid” sound byte was a constant reminder that our nation, at the time, was purely focused on economic issues. Any deviation from that message could sabotage his campaign.

In the past 8 years or so, Christians have been accused of trying to accomplish their goals using economic and political clout. While it is important to use our political system and economic might to influence culture, so far both have failed miserably. Our nation has experienced a loss of spiritual ground because of it. What is missing?

We must once again return to the principle that the “Bible is our all sufficient rule for faith and practice.” Adherence to interpreting life through the grid of Scripture is a fail proof formula for living a godly and fulfilling life. We are not talking about a legalistic interpretation of Scripture, but a prayerful discernment that helps us to glean the precepts, principles and practices of a godly lifestyle. Through Scripture we can frame our views about economic and political issues. We can discern the will of God and have a strong moral foundation for our beliefs and behaviors. Commit yourself to make 2007, the year of the Bible.


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