Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell: R.I.P.

Jerry Falwell, pastor, televangelist and founder of the Moral Majority has passed away. He was found unconscious in his Liberty University office earlier today and never recovered.

Rev. Falwell was instrumental in activating much of the fundamentalist and evangelical church movement in addressing moral issues socially, politically as well as religiously. He was a a lightning rod for leftist activists, politicians and liberal religious leaders. In the meantime, he founded a college (7,700 student Liberty University), had his radio program on hundreds of stations, and grew his local church to over 22,000 members. Not bad for one lifetime.

Although there were times when he got himself into trouble with some of his pronouncements, he was overwhelmingly a lover of Jesus and His church. He only lived to age 73. He was still dreaming up to the end and had plans to continue building and enhancing the influence of the kingdom of God on earth.
Well done good and faithful servant. Our prayers go out to his family.

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  • Jerry Falwell was, like all of us, an imperfect man, yet other than Billy Graham, he was probably the most influential evangelical leader in modern times. In creating the organization "Moral Majority" he was the catalyst for uniting conservative evangelicals in establishing the base of the Republican party. He earned his leadership role through dedication and hard work and his presence in the ecclesiastical and academic world will be sorely missed. He is now entered into his eternal reward for which each redeemed soul seeks.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:15 PM  

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