Monday, May 14, 2007

Let's Stay Together

The good news is that divorce rates are declining. The bad news is that more couples of living together without getting married. The good news is that many children are being raised by a mom and a dad. The bad news is that premarital cohabitation arrangements rarely pass the test of time.

There is a new kind of divorce occuring that isn't necessarily being tracked. Couples splitting after living together for a year, two or more. Often children are involved and the pain and the heartache is no less real.

Studies have shown that couples who live together most often do not get married. These same studies also show that if they do get married, the chances of their marriage lasting is no better than for those who didn't live together before marriage. The statistics are even worse for divorced people who get remarried. They stand a 60% chance that their second marriage will also not succeed.

God's prescription for marriage is as simple as it is difficult. A man and a woman join themselves in a covenant pledging to remain faithful to each other while honoring and respecting their partner until death separates them. But our selfishness often gets in the way and the vows are cast to the wayside.

Selflessness is at the center of a successful relationship. To put your spouse ahead of yourself is what is mandated by a marriage covenant. If both participants in a marriage relationship are doing it, the marriage will succeed.

What erodes a marriage relationship? What have you seen in your experiences as the key for married people to stay married? What can a church do to enhance the possibility of marriage success?

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  • COMMUNICATION is key to marriage...and quite frankly, any relationship! Also, allow one another to "slip" and make a mistake from time-to-time. Look at how many chances God gives us...we are constantly "slipping" yet He continues to love us unconditionally! We need to mirror that in our own marriages and other relationships.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:26 PM  

  • Hi,

    I predicted this scenario a few years ago in a Psychology paper.

    The question was: Why is the rate of marriage falling?

    My answer was: People are living together instead of marrying. Gay couples are co-habiting because they cannot legally marry (until recently).

    My answer received the lowest marks available.


    Yes, communication, co-operation and forgiveness is the key to a good marriage.

    By Blogger CoralPoetry, at 1:52 PM  

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